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howo gravel asphalt synchronous sealer truck

  • 8*4 Gravel Asphalt Synchronous Sealer Truck

    8*4 Gravel Asphalt Synchronous Sealer Truck

    Gravel asphalt synchronoussealer truck simultaneously sprays the asphalt binder and spreads the stone aggregate, so that the asphalt binder and the aggregate have the most sufficient contact to achieve the maximum degree of adhesion between them. The time interval between spraying the adhesive and spreading the aggregate is shortened, so that the aggregate particles can be better implanted into the adhesive to obtain more covering area. HOWO 8*4 Gravel asphalt synchronoussealer truck is easier to ensure a stable proportional relationship between the binder and the stone chips, improve the work productivity, reduce the mechanical configuration, and reduce the construction cost. Asphalt pavement has better anti-skid and water-proof performance after simultaneous gravel sealing, which can effectively cure the road hazards such as lean oil, falling particles, slight network cracks, rutting, subsidence, etc.

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